hello, my name is charmaine.
this is my blog and i get to write whatever i want,
whenever i feel like to.
too bad if your fugly actions and thoughts appear here
if you're not happy, jolly well fuck off
because nobody told you to come here.
i urge you to think twice before spamming or leaving a comment
enjoy readers!
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went to eat claypot chocolate fondue yesterday. [: 2 thumbs up xD    went for colour training today, more tiring then last week. hoho. oh! i make 4 new friends today! chinyee, miaoqing, mingmin and lihui! :D stupid jx so lame luhs! oh nevermind. [: [: [: and people! i'm not jx's maria okay! [:  fuck luhs, tomorrow phy common test. dont need take i know can go bang wall already. i left everything in class can? fuck. damn it. lameshit man. let's re-track back, everything was just one sided. so i have only myself to blame. where were all the good nights we once had, where are those memories that i promise i won't forget? i'm so sick of all this. but i'm sorry lover, big girls don't cry. [: only you/xoxo
look lover, do you know what heart breaks are? you don't even know what the fuck is that. when i saw you, it makes my heart break. but lover, you're the reason why i decided to go. but you're not the oxygen to my life. [: lover, i have to let you go/xoxo and thats crap because i miss you.
ystd went for jun's birthday party? hoho. just a dinner @ the settlers' cafe. super fun can? i enjoyed luhs. played UNO, oh guess who's the first winner? xD its me, THE DUCK . hohoho. [: then ate fish and chips. wtf man. so tough luhs. guess what? i'm the only FEMALE who broke the damn bloody plastic fork. 2 times eh! heres the pic.  anyway only me and Z went for the dinner. so, in other words, i'm the ONLY one who broke the 2 damn forks. so jun went to ask for 2 more forks for me. JUST IN CASE I BREAK IT AGAIN. the left fork is my first one, the second one i broke it less than 2 mins. x) after eating, played taboo. WTH. super fun can? then took some photos when we trained to harbour front.
   went for colour training today. jx, colour barrier! me, colour escort! [: hohoho. not very tiring for me though, but maybe for all colour barriers, its tiring! JIAYOU people! [: went army market. mdm got the beret backing and green mugs and so we bus-ed home. x)
>/* don't let the story start. i can't afford the price. ((:
quarrelled with budd ystd night just because of one stupid chinese oral. just wanted budd to like do well for it (even though he said he cant). at least prepare before going in or something. yet budd just wanted to fail. because chi will not be one of budd's 3 sub to go sec5. nevermind, also not my paper. hoho. (: just for his own good. i mean the cert won't be nice if there's a U there right? at least make the cert look nicer with a 5 or something which means PASS! but in the end, end up quarrelling. ok whatever. i don't give a fuck. hoho, friday's my turn! and im so so so so so so gonna my best for it. ((: don't just say yes if you meant a no because like this it hurts me more. don't tell me what to do don't tell me how to think. there is something call brain. i've got that. i don't need yours. i do what i think its right. get this clear?
>/* nothing you do will make me feel better. nothing you say will make me feel good. i don't need you to be by my side anymore. what hurts the most was being so close.
why does my heart still hurts after so long?
i decided to not let you make the headlines. disappointed i guess? haha. never mind. thats not the point. omg, geog paper. can go bang wall die luh. hoho i never even do finish one question, all half half. siao liao. maths fail by 4 marks. tml bio paper. sian luh. =.= oh btw big thanks to terence! [: finally got back dino's contact list. i lost it luhs. tsktsk. I SO SO SO SO SO MISS DINO! i miss wo ke ai de partner,na-na, joanna, pui ki, terence, kahcheng etc. i miss all of them! hoho. after all our impt exams will organise a gathering! [: and i super can't wait! hahaha. [: here are some pics. i miss those memories man. it wil never be replaced!      >/* thanks for reminding me that i'm a fool myself, beloved.
tml geog common test, and yes as usual lazy to mug. suppose to go for training today for the colour thingy, but sir jx working! heh. anyway, i don't know if my decision was right to agree to the challenge. yes its rare. but studies still comes first. the ending of the colour thingy is 2nd sept which is like first day of my nlvl. oh oh. tta start muggin. but think back, will i be able to make it? thats another question. but anyway, since i've agreed i'll do my best and not let you guys down. if i'm not chosen, then that is just too bad. many sch are up to this. i'm starting to feel the stress and pressure and not forgetting the butterflies in my stomach. hohoho. its just that i don't want to let you guys down but i've got no confidence in winning this time round. i want everybody to look up on us. i don't want to fail. maybe its just the pressure i give myself. oh nevermind. the higher i go, the more chance i die faster. haha. not even a quarter of you is gone, don't teach me how to fly up high. xoxo
thanks for the memories;
awww tml's my english oral! sigh. wish me luck wish me luck. hoho. im like so afraid luhs. sigh. ): everyday's the same thing. i'm getting sick of it. school, remedials, home, com, sleep. im fucking sick of such lifestyle but what to do? nlevel's coming! prelims are around the corner. and mdm cheng's nagging is getting boring. ms leong's TRYING HER VERY BEST to be fiercer each day. BUT BUT BUT, she'll fail. hahaha. don't try to act fierce if you cant ms leong. haha. you're just making a fool of yourself. and im serious! oh well, lets just continue to watch the show. i'll look at how it goes! awww. poor poor. hahaha.
yeah yeah, you wish people a life time together. then what about yourself? what about me? what about us? argh, crap crap and more crap. i'm just lying to myself all these while. without direction, without everything! i don't even know what i want. but all i know, i freaking miss you. you wouldn't want to know how craps will remind me of you. its not that i don't respect your decision, but its real difficult to let you go. be glad, i'm NOT clingy. not even a LIL. x) i just want you to think a lil for me. >/*
ahhhhh, it has been a year. i had never seen coward wong after aug 9. awww. I MISS HIM LIKE HELL. but i doubt i will ever see him again. our first meeting place the national stadium is going to get pull down. oh well, sigh. those memories, can never be replace! i miss national stadium. if i wasn't posted for duty i wouldn't have know COWARD WONG, sotong, yu xian, wei lun and oh that guy who packed the goodie bags! hahaha! that one month of duty, was all worth it! hahaha. oh and officers can be fun too! went BMC mac today to discuss about chalet stuffs. awwww im so excited! this coming tues is my eng oral. 20th is my chi oral. feelingggg so damnnnn nervous can! ahhhhhh. feeling so crappppp. grahhhhhhh. >.< i'm feeling how a scorpio should feel. sighhh. its july the 7. yes. the day he has been waiting for. so? i'm suppose to congrats him? oh wtf. no more G.O.H for qss sj. i've got no comments. but i won't be unreasonable to scold people. tsktsk. we can only blame ourselves. we didn't prove people wrong! we prov people right! its just all too bad! hi cowards. [:
sometimes, being personal is better. i think that useless and fucked-up dreams are not meant to be shared and instead keep to ourselves. not all secrets are meant to be shared too. okayy its just what i think, if peeps out there don't agree, i understand. [: *peace* just being random here. well i got nothing to do now, so ya, you see. i'm boredddd. hahaha. ystd was youth day. ever think before why got children dat, youth day but no adult day, ah gong day or whatever day. hahahaha. lame lame lame. ahhhhhhh i'm waiting for harry potter to come out! grahhhhhh. love love love! [: went out with sumin and chris. didnt manage to upload pics. so here are the pics! hahahaaha.   it was sj day in sch too on the fri, here are some pics! [:  >/* i promise i'll laugh like there is no tomorrow. i've tried my best, nothing seems to prove me wrong. i want to lead my life like before. goodbye my lover. -------------------
charmaine is my name.
also known as duck.
Seventeen going Eighteen.
i laugh at my own jokes.
i've got a temper that i can't control.
i'm blunt.
and oh, i hate copycats.
went to eat claypot chocolate fondue yesterday. [: 2 thumbs up xD    went for colour training today, more tiring then last week. hoho. oh! i make 4 new friends today! chinyee, miaoqing, mingmin and lihui! :D stupid jx so lame luhs! oh nevermind. [: [: [: and people! i'm not jx's maria okay! [:  fuck luhs, tomorrow phy common test. dont need take i know can go bang wall already. i left everything in class can? fuck. damn it. lameshit man. let's re-track back, everything was just one sided. so i have only myself to blame. where were all the good nights we once had, where are those memories that i promise i won't forget? i'm so sick of all this. but i'm sorry lover, big girls don't cry. [: only you/xoxo
look lover, do you know what heart breaks are? you don't even know what the fuck is that. when i saw you, it makes my heart break. but lover, you're the reason why i decided to go. but you're not the oxygen to my life. [: lover, i have to let you go/xoxo and thats crap because i miss you.
ystd went for jun's birthday party? hoho. just a dinner @ the settlers' cafe. super fun can? i enjoyed luhs. played UNO, oh guess who's the first winner? xD its me, THE DUCK . hohoho. [: then ate fish and chips. wtf man. so tough luhs. guess what? i'm the only FEMALE who broke the damn bloody plastic fork. 2 times eh! heres the pic.  anyway only me and Z went for the dinner. so, in other words, i'm the ONLY one who broke the 2 damn forks. so jun went to ask for 2 more forks for me. JUST IN CASE I BREAK IT AGAIN. the left fork is my first one, the second one i broke it less than 2 mins. x) after eating, played taboo. WTH. super fun can? then took some photos when we trained to harbour front.
   went for colour training today. jx, colour barrier! me, colour escort! [: hohoho. not very tiring for me though, but maybe for all colour barriers, its tiring! JIAYOU people! [: went army market. mdm got the beret backing and green mugs and so we bus-ed home. x)
>/* don't let the story start. i can't afford the price. ((:
quarrelled with budd ystd night just because of one stupid chinese oral. just wanted budd to like do well for it (even though he said he cant). at least prepare before going in or something. yet budd just wanted to fail. because chi will not be one of budd's 3 sub to go sec5. nevermind, also not my paper. hoho. (: just for his own good. i mean the cert won't be nice if there's a U there right? at least make the cert look nicer with a 5 or something which means PASS! but in the end, end up quarrelling. ok whatever. i don't give a fuck. hoho, friday's my turn! and im so so so so so so gonna my best for it. ((: don't just say yes if you meant a no because like this it hurts me more. don't tell me what to do don't tell me how to think. there is something call brain. i've got that. i don't need yours. i do what i think its right. get this clear?
>/* nothing you do will make me feel better. nothing you say will make me feel good. i don't need you to be by my side anymore. what hurts the most was being so close.
why does my heart still hurts after so long?
i decided to not let you make the headlines. disappointed i guess? haha. never mind. thats not the point. omg, geog paper. can go bang wall die luh. hoho i never even do finish one question, all half half. siao liao. maths fail by 4 marks. tml bio paper. sian luh. =.= oh btw big thanks to terence! [: finally got back dino's contact list. i lost it luhs. tsktsk. I SO SO SO SO SO MISS DINO! i miss wo ke ai de partner,na-na, joanna, pui ki, terence, kahcheng etc. i miss all of them! hoho. after all our impt exams will organise a gathering! [: and i super can't wait! hahaha. [: here are some pics. i miss those memories man. it wil never be replaced!      >/* thanks for reminding me that i'm a fool myself, beloved.
tml geog common test, and yes as usual lazy to mug. suppose to go for training today for the colour thingy, but sir jx working! heh. anyway, i don't know if my decision was right to agree to the challenge. yes its rare. but studies still comes first. the ending of the colour thingy is 2nd sept which is like first day of my nlvl. oh oh. tta start muggin. but think back, will i be able to make it? thats another question. but anyway, since i've agreed i'll do my best and not let you guys down. if i'm not chosen, then that is just too bad. many sch are up to this. i'm starting to feel the stress and pressure and not forgetting the butterflies in my stomach. hohoho. its just that i don't want to let you guys down but i've got no confidence in winning this time round. i want everybody to look up on us. i don't want to fail. maybe its just the pressure i give myself. oh nevermind. the higher i go, the more chance i die faster. haha. not even a quarter of you is gone, don't teach me how to fly up high. xoxo
thanks for the memories;
awww tml's my english oral! sigh. wish me luck wish me luck. hoho. im like so afraid luhs. sigh. ): everyday's the same thing. i'm getting sick of it. school, remedials, home, com, sleep. im fucking sick of such lifestyle but what to do? nlevel's coming! prelims are around the corner. and mdm cheng's nagging is getting boring. ms leong's TRYING HER VERY BEST to be fiercer each day. BUT BUT BUT, she'll fail. hahaha. don't try to act fierce if you cant ms leong. haha. you're just making a fool of yourself. and im serious! oh well, lets just continue to watch the show. i'll look at how it goes! awww. poor poor. hahaha.
yeah yeah, you wish people a life time together. then what about yourself? what about me? what about us? argh, crap crap and more crap. i'm just lying to myself all these while. without direction, without everything! i don't even know what i want. but all i know, i freaking miss you. you wouldn't want to know how craps will remind me of you. its not that i don't respect your decision, but its real difficult to let you go. be glad, i'm NOT clingy. not even a LIL. x) i just want you to think a lil for me. >/*
ahhhhh, it has been a year. i had never seen coward wong after aug 9. awww. I MISS HIM LIKE HELL. but i doubt i will ever see him again. our first meeting place the national stadium is going to get pull down. oh well, sigh. those memories, can never be replace! i miss national stadium. if i wasn't posted for duty i wouldn't have know COWARD WONG, sotong, yu xian, wei lun and oh that guy who packed the goodie bags! hahaha! that one month of duty, was all worth it! hahaha. oh and officers can be fun too! went BMC mac today to discuss about chalet stuffs. awwww im so excited! this coming tues is my eng oral. 20th is my chi oral. feelingggg so damnnnn nervous can! ahhhhhh. feeling so crappppp. grahhhhhhh. >.< i'm feeling how a scorpio should feel. sighhh. its july the 7. yes. the day he has been waiting for. so? i'm suppose to congrats him? oh wtf. no more G.O.H for qss sj. i've got no comments. but i won't be unreasonable to scold people. tsktsk. we can only blame ourselves. we didn't prove people wrong! we prov people right! its just all too bad! hi cowards. [:
sometimes, being personal is better. i think that useless and fucked-up dreams are not meant to be shared and instead keep to ourselves. not all secrets are meant to be shared too. okayy its just what i think, if peeps out there don't agree, i understand. [: *peace* just being random here. well i got nothing to do now, so ya, you see. i'm boredddd. hahaha. ystd was youth day. ever think before why got children dat, youth day but no adult day, ah gong day or whatever day. hahahaha. lame lame lame. ahhhhhhh i'm waiting for harry potter to come out! grahhhhhh. love love love! [: went out with sumin and chris. didnt manage to upload pics. so here are the pics! hahahaaha.   it was sj day in sch too on the fri, here are some pics! [:  >/* i promise i'll laugh like there is no tomorrow. i've tried my best, nothing seems to prove me wrong. i want to lead my life like before. goodbye my lover. -------------------