hahaa, lame lame. ((:
after sch's celebration, went out with nigel and daren, eunice not well.
and that mustafa, sleeping i think.
so, its the 3 of us! =.=
ate subway, went suntec play arcade, go hq.
yeah,, took pics, wll upload tml, haa.
went to hq to polish the holder take uniform. ate burgerking
and guess what?
went back to suntec again. =X
and on my way home, i saw this slut.
the one that i'll never forgive. too bad.
yes, she spoiled my perfect night. damn.
and damn gay brother, he is asleep! again, no one is entertaining me!
>*/ i love you so.
days nearing to my N's are getting more boring.
and i fucking wish 5oct will come faster, because it will be the end of my Ns. x)
boring, life is the same everyday.
wake up, go to school, remedials, home, dinner, sleep.
mono sial. becoming a robort will be a matter of time. clapsclaps* LOL.
tomorrow gonna celebrate teacher's day.grah. so bo liao can?!
blablabla. gay brother is not online, damnit, nobody entertain me.
its like i'm losing interest in everything, including bgi. somehow, i just don't feel like going. i'm still not in the right exam mood and mon is my first paper! i don't want to draw circles. grah.
i just can't bear to see you leave.
but nothing makes you stay.
you keep me hanging on,
but we're not moving on.
it kills me badly.
>*/ the starts wouldn't
shine for me.
i miss you badly/xoxo
friday, went down to hq to polish the holder. [using shoe white] (:
after polishing went to kallang there eat kfc. den sir brought us home.
omg, weihao ah, its not dramatic luh. =.= you more drama luh. hahaha.

den sat went down to sch take my adult capbadge, played a game of captain's ball, meet Z to take my DOUGHNUTS! yes nigel queued for 2.5hrs. claps* then bused home.
sunday went for bgi's full dress rehearsal. fun fun & more fun. got scolded for holding hands. =X
and psm is super evil. he don't want to let us have our kayabuns for nxt week. WHACK! xD
after that went back hq then off to dinner. then people PS me lorh. wth. some pics.(:

after school went ikea and eat with z, goldfish, eunice, nigel and daren! hohoho. had lotsa fun! x)

yes, i cried. so? you brought me into some unknown quarrel. have you ever thought of how will i feel? you know how bad it is? you shouldn't have brought me to this world. i hate you. you know how your words hurt me? i wanted to scram from the car. i don't mind dying because i had enough. really. don't be the first to leave, because i will be the first.
&& i'll be the biggest fool in this universe. (:
>/* life goes on without you
went marina to watch the fireworks ystd. nice(:
and budd suddenly so good.hah if everyday he's like this i'll be super happy!
anyway, we're only BROTHERS! (: so talk to him till his football match start den hang up and i went to zzz. haha! in the end 0-1. i think.haha! x)
so, as usual, went for colour training on sun.
today last training, damn i'm gonna miss training so much.
next sun is full dress rehearsal alr, the following sun will the the actual day,
the next day will be my chinese paper one and two. grahh damn.
den after that went bk.
i drop the damn milo, nevermind.
want to fold heart for dear, then push my wallet and phone dwn on the milo. WTF!
hp pouch soak with milo. =X not my day.
then, nothing to do liao, ask sir to teach how to fold star.
ahhhh. finally,, someone teach me! :D
hahahaha. i admit i'm a slow learner!!!
hahaa lucky he never go pek chek. if not, cham. =X
then mrt-ed home. and slack. :D
we're gonna be the perfect soul mates/xoxo
long break's over, prelims for chi, eng and ss is over. everything's over.
i'm so sick of entertaining people.
i'm so sick of being lame.
i'm so sick of faking a smile.
i'm sick of being myself.
questions but no answer.
one day i shall just keep quiet the whole day and stop laughing.
there isn't much more to say.
i feel the heartache.
it is not like don't know anything. why why why why. ):
everything was going so well before you came.
and now, my hopes for you are dashed.
i don't hate you. i just merely hate the feeling.
the feeling of waiting.
waiting for what? for nothing.
thats why i thank you for helping me to realise that i'm the world greatest fool.
ohhhh never mind, sound so emo man! wake up luh charmaine! wake up! (:
some photos to upload! hahaha.
went to celebrate ty's birthday @ settlers on sat,

then sunday as usual, went for colour training! hahaha
i'm loving it man. (:
after training cab down to club to eat, damn. was like soooo in a rush yet it still rain! nevermind.
went down straight after i've change! and i never take out my bun. my small lil bun -- that's what daphne commented. haha! some pics!

i miss mr lumweixing! (:
please leh, you think what? very close to you meh? ever since the day i know you lied and lied and lied. even to kh, i've never forget about the whole matter. you can go try crying in front of that teacher again and see if i give a fuck. what can he do to me? don't use your tears to win sympathy. i'll never let you get your way. i'm so sick of seeing your DUMB face.
whenever i see you in school or your friendster profile, i will feel like slapping your face. ;D
how i wish i could punch and kick you like nobody business.
but i'm so not gonna dirty my hands and legs. you'll soon get your retribution. xD
you're the only person in this world i'll never forgive. (:
i'm so fine without you/xoxo
i enjoyed my day today. yes i really do.
i'm trying to lead my life without you.
bitch, give me some time, i'm sure i can balance my life. [:
i love you bitch. (:
went for training today,
thanks budd for companying me in the morning. and sorry for asking you to wake up early in the morning just to company me! budd's studying phy now! damn. haha. i'm so bored here.
training was quite tiring today, yawnn.
sir's bike so damn nice can! (:
then he told me his bike got scratch and the light spoil liao.
hahaha remind me of geog's bike! =X
gonna go back to hq on wed for our uniform. then can see all of them again! (:
going to bed soon. yawnn.
can't wait to see them this wed. loves.
i'd enough/xoxo
tomorrow's sunday! hooray [:
went for loyang duty ystd.haha. had fun, learn many things.
sir fred: char mee ah?
sir ism : charrr meann ieee.
thats how they pronouce my name. haha. =.=
cab home with jx and sir vin. LOL.
i woke that idiot up! that idiot who called me a security guard!
idiot for life man. basket. ;D
he said he got a joke to tell me tonight, must be a fucking lame joke! ;D
there isn't even FRIENDSHIP.
fucking childish boy boy. (:
i'm gonna move on.
honestly, i can't wait for sunday! ahhh i wana go training! ;D serious. talk to xing today and i told him abt that sir that look like him when he was 15yrs old! haha.
[: miss xing loads luh! that idiot, say want go down help jeremy, in the end put aeroplane because of his job! next time go be pilot luhs! basket. ;D
nevermind we shall one day go coffee bean again or isit starbucks? oh nevermind! one day we shall go out and have some coffee again! ;D
went for that damn prize presentation rehearsal. it was damn boring.
and i finish my coursework i finish my coursework i finish my coursework! hip hip hooray x3
awhhs. :D:D:D lalala.
and LPY! hoho, you are sooooo-I'M LOSS FOR WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOU.
because the HOD and c.lim came in, you were like awhhs, so good to everyone!
you were like "yes xxx? yes xxx?" even c.lim ask whether isit the first time you gave us such work to do. HAHA! our ans was no! she was very piss off with you because when the bells rang, you didnt release us! too bad, if you lose your job, i'll be the first to congrats you. [:
nope, i'm not mean. look at the way you treated our class, should i say you deserve it?
maybe you all might say that she did alot for us blablabla and more bla and we don't know abt it.
but so what? like people say, WE DONT KNOW! we wouldn't want to know it either. LPY, you can't blame someone for causing someone to get retained. you don't even let a grp of them up! omg, u're really very CRAP! [:
don't try to tell me what's right from wrong
how am i suppose to trust you?
i don't even know when you're serious
when you're playing.
i was just a spare tire.
will you ever understand?
i miss WEIXING/xoxo