long break's over, prelims for chi, eng and ss is over. everything's over.
i'm so sick of entertaining people.
i'm so sick of being lame.
i'm so sick of faking a smile.
i'm sick of being myself.
questions but no answer.
one day i shall just keep quiet the whole day and stop laughing.
there isn't much more to say.
i feel the heartache.
it is not like don't know anything. why why why why. ):
everything was going so well before you came.
and now, my hopes for you are dashed.
i don't hate you. i just merely hate the feeling.
the feeling of waiting.
waiting for what? for nothing.
thats why i thank you for helping me to realise that i'm the world greatest fool.
ohhhh never mind, sound so emo man! wake up luh charmaine! wake up! (:
some photos to upload! hahaha.
went to celebrate ty's birthday @ settlers on sat,

then sunday as usual, went for colour training! hahaha
i'm loving it man. (:
after training cab down to club to eat, damn. was like soooo in a rush yet it still rain! nevermind.
went down straight after i've change! and i never take out my bun. my small lil bun -- that's what daphne commented. haha! some pics!

i miss mr lumweixing! (: