this song brings back the sweetest memories.
thought i should share it with you people.
enjoy. (:
stepping ahead its kind of a waste of time honestly.
everyone is so in a holiday mood
and now, we have to go back for lessons.
and the best part is:
sec1-3 is having their post exam activities
when we sec4N having lesson.
you know, its super tempting to playyyy. ROAR!
and i'm so not looking forward to work. ):
yeahhhhh sunday got duty!
that is really one thing i love to do.
like what gunner say, always choose the happiest path. (:
Now that it’s all said and done.
What you said when you left,
Just left me cold and out of breath.
And I never thought I’d doubt you
thought you should know,
i've tried my best to let go.
I wish I could still call you a friend.
And I won't forget you my friend.
my condolences to our history.
may you two last long. blessings! :D
haha girl, you understand right?
when back to school today. yawn.
slackyyyy. so bored can?
and i got tag by bitch to do the quiz! :D
-List out your top 5 birthday presents you wish for
1) a bouquet of white lilies.
2) a gathering for agi'o7 colourparty. ((:
3) peace.
4) everyone around me to be happy.
5) cash cash and more cash:D
-The person who tagged you is
my bitch, leeyongling. :DDDD
-Your relationship with him/her is
my one and only, BITCHE! (:
-Your five impression of him/her is
1)she's always there for me.
2)super vulgar can? haha! :D
4)green tea lover.
5)crazy jellyfish :DDDDD
-The most memorable thing he/she has done for you isshe's always here when i need a listening ear, i simply love her.
-If he/she becomes your lover,will you?
nonsense, she's already mine!
-If he/she's your lover,what will he/she has to improve on?i love her for who she is. (:
-If he/she becomes you enemy,you will
not even a slightest possibility
-If he/she becomes your enemy,the reason is
invalid question luh bodoh.
-The most desired thing you'd like to do for him/her now is?to let her know, we'll be friends for life. (:
-Your overall impression of him/her
-How do you think people around you will feel about him/her
super crazy! hahahaha. :D
-The character you love about yourself ismy lame-ness i guess? * although people gets irritated by it. x)
-Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about youwho wana do this do. :DDDDDDD
end of quiz >/*
will upload pics next time.
got problem luh the server. tsktsk.
>/*no, i so not sick of life,
but i'm sick of what life gives me.
all the lies people says,
white lies, bad lies.
they're all afterall still lies.
money issues tears a relationship.
thats all people.
and i take away l ov ee/xoxo
woke up early in the morning @ 6.45 okay!
company grandpa to the market @ cresent. 8)
ate breakfast there and went home.
couldn't stop yawning in the car okay?
reach home and company mum to the market AGAIN! yawn.
happy marketing day. yawn. LOL.
went to uncle house for some blessing stuffs by some monks.
oh well~
i've got totally nothing to say at all
totally NOTHING,
i'm a super duper fucking boring person. 8)
its like tues, and i'm back in school! fuck fuck fuck fuck.
thats the consequences of chosing secondary 5. *pouts
okay okay, i was tagged by yankai the lion to do this quiz. 8)
-List out your top 5 birthday presents you wish for
1) a bouquet of white lilies.
2) a gathering for agi'o7 colourparty. ((:
3) peace.
4) everyone around me to be happy.
5) cash cash and more cash:D
-The person who tagged you is
w/o tail
-Your relationship with him/her is
agi'o7 colourparty mates
-Your five impression of him/her is1) DAO 8)
2) very DAO
3) his art skills is super good okay?
4) a great friend ;D
5) helpful! (thanks to his tail)
-The most memorable thing he/she has done for you is
finding good charlotte's dance floor anthem.
-If he/she becomes your lover,will you?
abit impossible eh? 8)
-If he/she's your lover,what will he/she has to improve on?
er, since its quite impossible, guess this qns is invalid? :D
-If he/she becomes you enemy,you will
we will be great friends! never enemy. :D
-If he/she becomes your enemy,the reason is
never my enemy, this question is INVALID! :D
-The most desired thing you'd like to do for him/her now is?
tell him, he is really one sotong! :D
-Your overall impression of him/her
was never dao again ever since the last dinner! :D
-How do you think people around you will feel about him/her
i guess people will think he is dao, haha, that was my first impression of him okay? xD
-The character you love about yourself is
my lame-ness i guess? * although people gets irritated by it. x)
-Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you
2) asther dear
3) Yongling bitch
4) Chinyee
5) joshua lim. EVIL PSM. xD
whoever sees this and want to do, just do ya? :D
end of quiz-*/
pic for today with cousin!
with lots of love/xoxo
no! i dont blog once a month. haha, :D
today practically slack the whole day.
woke up @ 9.15am to watch some hk drama on 55.
watch all the way till 1pm.
went online, chatted with buddy. sigh.
i got nothing to say about buddy. he really disappoint me BADLY. real bad.
see buddy, its not that i don't believe you always,
its just that your words are hard to believe.
i really hope now you're lying to me about the form.
i really treat you as my buddy thats why i will make a big fuss out of nothing.
oh nevermind~
went to meet my bitch,
brought her to blk 40 to makan then slack @ voideck.
took pics. :DDDDDDDDDD

>/* -
even if pigs can fly,
even if the cow jumps over the moon,
even if there is a blue moon,
even if superman appears,
even if elephant starts to roar,
things will never be the same.
i really miss the old times.
hello peeps!
haha, it has been 1month and 2 days ever since i blog another entry.
had been mugging for my prelims and Ns. and now, its finally over. woots~
whether can i be promoted to sec5 or not, that will be another worry.
you can see like what my dear friend the lion says, MY BLOG IS ROTTING. hohoho
and i'm on the phone with lion and pig. hoho i miss agi peeps! :DDDD
when is the outinggggggggg? xD sat or sun?
and bbq is on the 30th nov. ahhhhhh.

in 1 month and 2 days, many stuffs happen. and i don't know where to start from and i can't rmb everything that happen in my life.
i just know, i did badly for my N. my humanities is really gone case! i didnt do my SS section B SEQ can. omfg. urghhh. okay no more N for me. i'm so so so so so so so so enough of exams.
went for a job interview introduce by daren. but i'm not gonna talk about it. i'm feeling freaking bad about it. got to go back to sch on tues for stepping ahead. wahlau.
i love asther! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
yankai and asther is forcing me to publish this post fast! because they think i'm slow.
i'm not slow okay. :DDDDDDDDDDDD okay change subject.
i'm missing the old times, when we get to talk on the phone, when i get to call you wake up, when everything seems so well. it didnt last. memories dont. sigh.
enought. D:
>/* You're a falling star, you're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.
And you play your card, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.
And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
>/* dream a lil.