its just too much for me to handle.
i have to do something.
thoughts of you are killing me.
only girlfriends are around.
and i cherish those moments.
sweet memories won't last.
its time for me to go.
toodles. (:

> its my fault/xoxo
seriously, i can't think of any stupid reasons for you not replying that message.
except that you don't want to reply.
it was just a simple message, either a yes or no.
nevermind, i had enough of your bullshits.
those midnight messages were all crap.
your sweet talks were pure lies.
i was a big fool to believe you.
fuck the bullshits and get on with life.
>and this time round, i'm really letting go/xoxo
it has been efffing long ever since i blog.
although its like just few weeks ago.heh :D
im missing my agi mates!
i miss dear, sigh.
i really really miss dear.
i will be seeing dear soon! :D
hope so yea? loves.
life is getting boring.
working almost everyday to stop me from thinking about stuff.
and its like almost everyday, customer make me super piss.
nevermind shall not talk about that.
im real tired.
and i'm off to bed now!
toodles. (:
seriously i envy those kids whose dad will buy them clothes,
fetch them to school and stuffs. i really envy them because none of these
stuff will ever happen to me. haha.
so kids! cherish your dad. :D
went for expo duty ystd.
not as fun as the previous expo duty.
and something that really piss me off is that the damn
bloody jelly drink leak and it wet my bag.
almost yelled at her. too bad i'm in uniform. ROAR!
nevermind. i'll be kind. i'll control my temper.i'll try to be more girly! :D
and prove to buddy! i'm a girl. :D heh.
then he will be that idiot who didnt open his eyes. hah!
and i left my milk tea in the cupboard. hope it wont stink. heh
>get it clear.
its not i dont want to go.
its because i took so much leave and its too embarrassing to ask for more.
yes, its a committment but i know my priorities.
i know you're committed to it. but, not everyone is like you.
don't expect people to live up to your expectations.
don't expect people to be like you.
don't expect people to even BE like you.
we don't think like you. we have our own thinking.
you might think if i really want to do it i will, regardless of the consequences.
but, really very paiseh to ask for more okay!
i felt guilty already to take 4 days of leave.
you put that committment as your first priority but i don't, FOR NOW.
you can say you're disappointed in me or whatever you want to call it.
i won't change my decision.
i'm tired.
if this love was ever meant for me/xoxo
happy sweet sixteen to charmaine tan! :D
some pics :

if a picture paints a thousand words,
let the above pictures speak.
i'm tired.
>/* tears you brought on my big day.
let love speaks.
because i give up.
i'm that hopeless fool/xoxo
>honesty won't do you justice baby.
eh! dai wei work in coldwear too! haha!
he called me in the morning because he saw the list.
today isn't a good day.
i've tried my best to control my temper, my tears, my everything.
and i let it all out today.
i do feel better. :D
sometimes its really difficult not to keep thinking about some stuff.
i've tried my best not to let such stuffs bother me.
but. it didnt work luh. nevermind.
its over.
and now, gabriel and jasper combining force to scare me on msn.
thanks ah !
got to go now. working tml.
>/* when unfair becomes a habit
tried my best to enjoy.
but, my working place.
is the worst place to even enjoy.
its those memories.
those bad memories.
the place where i spend my birthday at.
the place that brought me tears.
i almost broke down intro tears today.
i don't know how to stop thinking.
maybe i think a lil too much.
oh well,
things ain't getting good.
thought of quitting but, nevermind.
since i'm working full tomorrow, i won't be going for interview!:D
i'm actually quite afraid.
i think i wll stick to this job.
but think of the taka management.
i feel like quitting once more.
its not like i can't take toughness.
just don't like the way they see stuff.
nevermind, its over.
give and take. :D
its my hobby to disturb people.
i can't survive one day without disturbing people. yay! :D
met bitch today. (:
miss her so much so much.
allright got to go.
the world ain't got love for me/xoxo
sorry i need to be alone.
this month isn't a good month.
so many problems pile up.
i really need to be alone.
really alone.
bitch, i wont mia. don't worry.
i still love you! (:
i will never ever wear heels again. ROAR.
all thanks to heels and i got my damn shoulder injuried.
althought raymond have so called treated it,
its still fucking pain okay.
i'm still wondering how to go to work tml.
this is pure dumb. haha.
don't care is who dumb,
its just dumb to get my shoulder injuried
when i have to work! ROAR.
went alumni club over @ one north there.
nabeyyy, shoulder so pain already still ask me stone there.
i saw a pool table and i can't play because it is close. =.=
then i hear mahjong sound and i can't play because have to book a room.
i can only stone there and my fucking shoulder hurts so badly.
yes, stone there for 2hrs.
tomorrow, work is at another location. sigh.
at least nearer to my house! :D
allright, bedtime now.
toodles (:
i still miss you/xoxo
my skin isn't getting better!
dermasone isn't working.
dumb fuck.
prawns, beef, cucumbers, crabs.
all my favourite and i can't eat them! ROAR
nevermind, i shall wait. (:
work till 8 today. the mid shift.
sounds weird. but nevermind. haha.
eh! actually we around 9.30 when the shop close we can go already!
don't need wait till 10
as if not, we will have to wait for the alarm to ring to sign out and get our bags.
when the alarm rings right all the stuff will RUN in.
as in really RUN to the security.
omfg. look at how kiasu people are? sigh.
they RUN! RUN leh. omfg.
okay nevermind. haha
things today went pretty well too.
didn't break down, just that ate a lil more than usual.
can't help it. i feel like eating. just couldn't stop.
and it has been fucking long ever since i went for dance.
couldn't attend dance camp. sigh.
suddenly thought of this song.
baby, i had enough/xoxo
as usual, went to work.
if you ask me if i ever regret getting this job,
a lil will be my ans.
if you know me well enough,
you should know
i hate to get scolded for nothing.
allright, maybe everyone does.
and i do bear grudges :D
i'll start whining. heh.
there is this auntie today who kind of scolded me because i'm not
the in-charge for that sunglasses. fuck her.
the conversation goes this way :
auntie: excuse me, does this come with a pouch?
me: sorry, i'm not sure. i'm not in charge for that.
auntie: so who's the in-charge?me: *looking around* sorry miss, i think she went back.
auntie: so, can i get a pouch from the cashier?
me: sorry, i'm really not sure about it.
auntie: *with a harsh tone* you work here right?me: yes, but i only promote winter clothes. *pointing at my section*
auntie: *rolling eyes, sarcastically* GREATso is this my fault? for not knowing whether there is a pouch for it?
if i wasn't working, maybe things will be different. (:
yea fuck her upside down.
slap her face up down left right.
punch her till she drop.
dig out her eyes till she scream in pain. yay.
people say yay. haha (:
nabey burn her one pouch luh. better still.
i'll never forget the face she gave.
things went pretty well today.
at least i didnt break down in front of everyone today.
i won't admit i'm strong.
lies do bring me down.
its really hard to trust someone whole-heartedly.
including the closest human being around you.
money really sour a relationship.
thanks for telling me that winston.
got to go peeps.
working tml. yawn.
just as when i needed someone/xoxo
on the road yesterday, i saw that person.
the one whom i'll never forgive.
the one who cause death to her.
you can say i don't handle such stuffs well.
i admit 4 years back i was a kid.
but now, i still think it this way,
you indirectly cause her death.
it was a big blow. > :(
and while working today,
saw this someone,
he look like .....
someone whom i miss alot ever since
our story end.
silly right? tsktsk.
memories just started flashing back.
bad stuffs always happen all at a time.
this is sick.
i miss agi mates! :D
and leeyongling is LOVE!
toodles people.
sunday went kusu for duty.

started work. hoho.
not looking forward to another day.
all thanks to mr daren yap for ps-ing us! (:
got to know a few friends.
and life goes on.
work, laughters, slack and home.
and bad stuffs start to happen
like losing money and stuff.
this is pure fuck shit can. 8(
i can handle paper NOT money!
but i'm really feeling super guilty.
serious, super duper guilty in fact.
this proves how useless i can be.
its over. sigh.
althought it isn't much money.
but people do lose their trust on you.
fuck this crap and reminicse those moments. :D
enough, i'm feeling very bad!

just some old photo i found. haha.
really miss those times together.
but we're all like moving on so fast.
when can we stop?
just for a second,
telling ourselves we are moving on too fast.
cherish people around you.
feelings are holding me back baby
i'm not moving on