the random-ness,
sara and me.
im not lazy to blog, but i just have no mood.
not being able to concentrate in school,
being always stucked in the middle,
you know i've tried my best to do it all.
oh nevermind! :D
anyway, azy has come back to school after the
fishbone incident that got her hospitalised.
hahaha. the pathetic fishbone. i seriously,
got nothing to comment about.
stupid fish bone.
hohoho! man utd won barcelona :D
1-0. and because its a 2am game!
i didnt watch it. i need my sleep luh.
i'm now just so not in the mood for blogging.
im tired. rest well boink! takecare!
loves you all.
i need you to be with me now.
there has got to be a million reason why its you.
the image of your back,
never fails to make me cry.
the image that you left without even looking at me,
was captured deep down under.
idk what im thinking or should think.
am i right or wrong?
i'm doing maths now and its driving me crazy!
shit i hate maths like fuck.
its totally making my world go round
and yes with many stars spinning
and planets moving.
yes! im going to whine about tuesday's treatment.
i have to go back every 2 weeks !
and i hate it.
and i know i will start crying again.
urgh! why time pass so fast.
going there. ):
>your nothing was my everything
went taka with azy babe.
went to search for convience food for f&n
as have to hand in today.
saw khairul and i took gary's number!
miss gary luh! wahlau
he didnt recognise my voice luh
but my "luh" he recognise. haha.
went delifrance to eat after that.

trying my best to turn things the way
it should be.
against all odds.
i've been saying that everything changed.
yea. but something doesn't-
the childishness in you.
nothing much for today.
been down today.
i just don't know how to express it out.
anyway! we'd a good laugh in class.
almost every lesson.
that makes me super want-to-go-to-school.
but i'm so not in the mood to study.
mids are just like fucking near.
its next week you know?
and treatment is like next tues!
i don't want to go alone! ):
hope *ahem* can go with me.
i'm so speechless today. nevermind.
im feeling so lethargic.
but im so not done with my homework!
nevermind. im sleeping.
toodles everyone. (:
> your eyes are the size of the moon.
i think we are drifting apart.
maybe because we are busy with our own stuff.
everything seems so well,
but things just turn out the way
it shouldn't be.
i miss you.
gonna do my maths homework now.
tsktsk. shall blog before i do.
everyone's not feeling good!
azy with her fever and not feeling good,
yongling with her gastric! ROAR
and eunice with her jaw thingy. =.=
why why why why why,
tell me why everyone's not feeling good!
i want everyone to feel good!
i want my kinder surprise!
see, i got so many want. =.=
went with fanny to eat lunch at
short mary gold.(long john silver) =.=
yes! please laugh.
breaking down soon man.
STRESS! coursework, homework, my feet, etc.
what the fish in the pond without underwear.
> i fucking miss coward wong. ):
hahaha suddenly thought of ian.
ian!!!! i miss you! :DDDD
why do you have to work
till late like everynight?!
and kevin! hahaha birthday just over right!
hope you two are seeing this post. :D
hohoho. TAKECARE KAY you two!
school as usual.
don't like school.
MT exams are nearing.
MYE are just like next week?
the first paper. blahhhh.
same week as my TREATMENT!
"what the fish in the pond without underwear"
(sara said it and i was like the only one laughing about it) =.=
my wound just bleed and bleed. but lucky,
its only abit. phew.
they say will cause a blister.
i'm like bloody hell waiting for that blister to be form.
so at least i know, ITS RECOVERING!
BLOODY HELL. not even one blister. =.=
idk where the hell did i place my physics papers.
roar! bad mood!
is this how we say goodbye?
its breaking my heart.


gay boy-friend george, vera, charmaine and lionel

fac team! (:
i think i'm feeling better.
talked to jeremy after tuition today.
my tutor & counsellor.
i know what to do now.
i woke up like early in the morning @ 5.45am
yawn now im so tired.
later man utd vs arsenal.
woohooo. man utd man utd man utd man utd.
and only man utd! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
going off now. toodles.
> never really move on.
> childishness upon you.
today, went down hq to see
though the results is unexpected,
but at least you guys know you did your best
and, go for the experience.
learn new things! sooooo guys cheer up!
after competition,
went suntec.
ate kfc. and like we stayed there for hours!
occupied like 14 seats. hoho.
yes!~ we talk about many many many many stuffs
and all like make everyone laugh so happily.
we talk about all the embarrassing moments.
ahahhaha. like sitting there for hours
talking and laughing all about it. ahahha
after that we felt like paiseh uh,
take up so many of their seats so we went off.
then some decided to go home,
so those taking mrt went back first
and the rest taking bus stayed. hoho
went carrefour,
looking at toys, choco, food, sweets.
seriously, its super duper fun.
waited for the bus for likeeeee so longggg
finally bus arrive and in the bus,
we laughed and playeddddd.
everyone is so tired but....
the laughter continues! :D
going out with them is never boring.
those laughters brings me out of my world.
ahahhahaa. it really cheered me up uh!
took some photos,
but i haven transfer it to the com
at hq, met long-time-no-see friends like
eileen, jiahui, shin yee, boon keong, lena, terence, pak meng etc.
dino'06 is love and missed.
you duck all the questions.
i'm not asking for anything.
not even your love.
though i wish my dream will come true,
but, your words and actions
never fail to hurt me deeply.
> meant to be- not.
today is speech day!
can't go into parade,
due to my feet uh.
another week to my next treatment.
): im like now,
thinking of someeeee who can like
accompany me for the treatment.
but impossible luh. ):
when can i recover?
i'm sooooooooo gonna break-down!
break down,
break down,
break down,
break down,
> things are so different, now you're gone.
i thought it'd will be easy,
i was wrong.
all i can think about is you.
school as usual.
tomorrow is speech day.
and i'm like! omg! can't wear uniform.
because im wearing slippers.
treatment on the 22th april.
omg, every 2 weeks have to go back.
idk how to go back for treatment.
it just hurt so much.
liquid nitrogen. urgh.
pain okay! go back for treatment all,
review on the 10th of june.
first was applying steriods.
now, spraying liquid N.
skin center is like becoming my 3rd home. =.=
charmaine, can you dont be so useless?
tsktsk, i'm like so troubled.
always getting stucked in the middle.
just hate that feeling,
can you all like consider people's feelings
before even opening your mouth?
it's not like as if,
i've got no temper.
its just that i can still tolerate.
oh well,
i'm trying my best
not to give a fuck.
but the feeling really suck.
let words go into your brain
before even talking.
in short, think before you talk.
yes. thats all.
everything that you meant to me,
but it's over now as far as i can see.
like a memory i can't erase.
> i guess i need my life to change.
seems like somethings are just not the same.
you feel like a million miles away.
was something i said,
or something i never did.
or was i always in the way.
could someone tell me what to say to
just make you stay?
i wish i could still call you,
a friend.
school as usual.
boink didn't come school.
feel so weird. haha.
eunice said she'll do the world most
silliest things to make me smile.
azy send me home.
boink encouraged me.
lyl too!
i'm soooo touched. now i know who are
my darlings. is like. they are there for me,
been through my ups and downs.
i miss babe.
quite worried about him.
he didn't reply. >.< hope his exam was good! blahhhhhhhhhhh.
*charmaine! wake up!*
i'm so tired. i need to sleep soon. hohoho
don't come back,
because life goes on.
> and i can't go back.
life goes on.
please make me strong.
today really isn't my day.
went to school as usual.
leave school early for my appointment at the skin center.
went hawker to eat with my dad.
stain my shirt with gravy.
and off to the skin center.
i'm super glad that my skin is recovering.
but with those ugly scars. ):
then went for this liquid nitrogent thing.
pain eh dey!
but im like so useless.
i see all the primary school students go in like nothing.
nabeyy i come out crying. =.=
but you have to admit.
even now. at night. im feeling the pain.
its just unbearable.
i don't even have the appetite for anything.
including my fav CHOC! blahhhhh. ):
it just hurt so much.
unless you've been through it,
you will fucking never know the pain.
just have no mood for anything now!
i knew, you will come back.
when i want to move on,
you're always back.
but this has got nothing to do with you.
its me. i've let you come back.
its all my fault.good luck babe,
for your exam.
> more than you know.
i miss talking and discussing with you about
hahaha bababa show.
i miss you saying that you are watching the
hahaha bababa show.
can you please stop working? and come back and talk to me?
haha. =.= stupid man charmaine.
who are you to make people do that.
*slap mysefl*
the world is changing.
i know, i won't stand a chance for
anything. all i wanted was just
how we were last time.
i know i don't even exist
in your world. i don't expect you to notice me either.
i just love the way we were last time.
i know i can't go back in time,
but i know, i've cherish those moments.
although its time to get on with life,
idk if i will ever succeed.
im not trying to say how much
i do for you, how much i love you.
no. i didn't do anything for you and
i dont really love you alot.
like i say i guess i was just in love with your memories.
i don't know.
i am so confuse.
i don't like to face the truth.
i don't even know why am i typing all these.
cookie monster's message really make me smile.
hahaha miss you! :D
to be honest,
i'm not sure of my feelings towards you.
the whole thing started when you got your lil secrets
and you told me some. we shared secrets and became closer than usual.
i used to detest you like anything but somehow,
you make me change my impression towards you.
it has been a year and 8 months that i'm stuck here.
the same spot and hasn't been moving on.
may be i was just lying to myself
and was only in love with your memory.
but, idk. i really miss you like
those memories were just yesterday.
it just didn't matter how tough the road i've walked.
because i know at the end of the road, i'll see you.
and thats why it didn't matter.
i just don't know how to express it all out.
and can only do it here because i'm not good at talking.
may be not typing or writting,
but i feel better here.and Z babe, cheer up and always takecare!
no matter what, life do goes on.
smile always! we are always here.
zzz. i'm not feeling good now.
physically good but mentally no.
actually both also no luh.
aiya idk luh.
idk why people love putting on mask.
i know, i'm law-saw because i'm still like
harping on it. ahah.
actually its not only this uh,
i'm now likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
wth can't believe im saying this.
i freaking miss you. =.=
i think that is why i'm like
today's april fool day
and HAPPY APRIL FOOL people!
hope everyone enjoy playing pranks
on your friend. ahaha
but don't go too far,
friends might be sensitive. ahahaha.
see i don't even know what i'm talking about.
ah! i want to go shopping soon!
i want to get a prada wallet! :DDDDDDDD
i will stop crapping now
because i have to put medicine onto my leg.