hello, my name is charmaine.
this is my blog and i get to write whatever i want,
whenever i feel like to.
too bad if your fugly actions and thoughts appear here
if you're not happy, jolly well fuck off
because nobody told you to come here.
i urge you to think twice before spamming or leaving a comment
enjoy readers!
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The more perfect it goes, the bigger the backfire power there will be. I'm back from my cyprus turned kukup trip! ah fuck damn it. was suppose to go cyprus before andreas turn 18! but tickets and stuff not book or anything. Actually i'm quite pissed because people promise to go cyprus! but, idk for what reason, she didn't mention anything. Thus, my cyprus trip turned to a BORING kukup trip. Seriously, the whole kukup trip is uber boring until i got nothing to do and only shoot pictures. AND AND AND AND AND AND people, please start playing mahjong. ahhahaha i've lost touched with mahjong, because the last time i ever touch mahjong was at wilson house i think 2-3 years ago. i remembered me, terrence and pakmeng stayed over to play mahjong and also watch the count down. In kukup, is either you sing karaoke or play mahjong. lost in mahjong though sheesh. which is like duh! the other kakis are like so experienced and matured. my mum's age lehhhhh. how to win! hahahaha! I didn't really get to enjoy partially also because i'm down with this stupid bad flu with symptoms all in and i'm also coughing like fuck! This weather is really really bad man. and AS USUAL, weather always affect my temper. i am so grumpy now! but i'm gonna sleep soon. i'm gonna upload prom pics and also kukup pics. ahha just bear with me okay. because they will tell you story. :D    
now its 6am! everyone's lying down on the bed except me. oh btw, i'm at lala's house. hahahahaha! 19nov night was prom. took many many many many many many pictures. will post it up when i'm done with it. hahahhaha :DDDDDD i got 2 blister on my toes now. CRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!
happy 17th birthday to me 
Thank you so much to those who wished me. First on the list: My darling cousin Ian! :D Next up on the list will be BOINK , LALA , JOANNA, SWEESIANG TORTO, ZOE, ELMO, CHRISTIE, LIMKAIHENG, FANNY, CHEE YONG, JUNREN, KENNY, MDM WANLING, SARAH, EUNICE. liangkoon, noelle, andre, eileen, crystal, hong yao, yong jie, eleena, kahsing aka kahcheng, jiayi, yinmun, vera, wilson, chloe, maam gen, maam siti, nicholas, GABRIEL, edwin, sumin, kimberly, lyndia. thank you so much darlings. :D those that i didn't mention i love you all too! :DDDDDDDD heh. too much to mention. Shall enjoy my day! 2 sad case, i'm having sore throat &&&& my phone is under repair! swayyyyyyyy~ ):
I SHOULD HAVE KNOW THAT WAS TEMPORARY. why did i still walk into it?
 Sentosa's picture! i want to upload more. but the files are huge in sizeeeeeee. so haha too bad. only one picture. sentosa was fun. but some stuff is just so mood spoiler. =/ nevermind! :D but i've got no mood to update any longer. so toodles. i swear i'll be a better man.
i've tried my mighty best to put it all behind. But nothing change.
I AM UBER EXHAUSTED. ncoc ystd, sentosa today. library tomorrow. Last paper on the 11th tuesday. then followed by my big day then prom. sheesh. i am exhausted to the max of the max. sentosa was great! had lotsa fun. just that i didn't have the mood to enjoy everything. sheesh, i think i am the youngest there. alamak. allright, i can't take it i am super uber tired and shagged. update soon with pictures for sentosa. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
/ because everything that we are, aren't everything.
SERIOUSLY I'M JUST SO FUCKING PISSED. Firstly, f&n just suck balls! Secondly, people who claim to be my bestfriend or whatever, just move on with your life. i am not interested to do or say anything much. Thirdly, DON'T DO ONTO PEOPLE WHAT YOU DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO DO ONTO YOU. Fourthly, Its time to reflect upon yourself. Because let me tell you. i did mine already. Do i deserve to be lied at? If you love to lie so much, go lie to your whoever i don't care. All i can say, you found a wrong person to lie to. Lastly, watch your words. If you can say such stuff about me, i can see how good your family upbringing is. How ironic. Talking about people's family, trying to flaunt how good your family upbringing is. At the end of the day, your words betrayed you. Everything backfired. I'm just so fucking pissed off okay. and i'll make this clear, i wouldn't let anything/anyone affect my Os. Anyway, just one paper left. TO: MUM, DAD, CHRISTIE, BOINK, LALA, ZOE, ELMO, FANNY, JO, CY, MIC, KH. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR BEING THERE FOR ME, TOLERATING MY TEMPER AND BEING A GREAT LISTENING EAR OVER THIS TOUGH AND IMPORTANT PERIOD OF MY LIFE- THE BIG Os. NOW Os IS GOING TO BE OVER SOON! WOOHOOO.i'm lazy to tag back so yeah, to Jo & audrey: thanks alot. (: to yh: 11th nov. ending already. :D
charmaine is my name.
also known as duck.
Seventeen going Eighteen.
i laugh at my own jokes.
i've got a temper that i can't control.
i'm blunt.
and oh, i hate copycats.
The more perfect it goes, the bigger the backfire power there will be. I'm back from my cyprus turned kukup trip! ah fuck damn it. was suppose to go cyprus before andreas turn 18! but tickets and stuff not book or anything. Actually i'm quite pissed because people promise to go cyprus! but, idk for what reason, she didn't mention anything. Thus, my cyprus trip turned to a BORING kukup trip. Seriously, the whole kukup trip is uber boring until i got nothing to do and only shoot pictures. AND AND AND AND AND AND people, please start playing mahjong. ahhahaha i've lost touched with mahjong, because the last time i ever touch mahjong was at wilson house i think 2-3 years ago. i remembered me, terrence and pakmeng stayed over to play mahjong and also watch the count down. In kukup, is either you sing karaoke or play mahjong. lost in mahjong though sheesh. which is like duh! the other kakis are like so experienced and matured. my mum's age lehhhhh. how to win! hahahaha! I didn't really get to enjoy partially also because i'm down with this stupid bad flu with symptoms all in and i'm also coughing like fuck! This weather is really really bad man. and AS USUAL, weather always affect my temper. i am so grumpy now! but i'm gonna sleep soon. i'm gonna upload prom pics and also kukup pics. ahha just bear with me okay. because they will tell you story. :D    
now its 6am! everyone's lying down on the bed except me. oh btw, i'm at lala's house. hahahahaha! 19nov night was prom. took many many many many many many pictures. will post it up when i'm done with it. hahahhaha :DDDDDD i got 2 blister on my toes now. CRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!
happy 17th birthday to me 
Thank you so much to those who wished me. First on the list: My darling cousin Ian! :D Next up on the list will be BOINK , LALA , JOANNA, SWEESIANG TORTO, ZOE, ELMO, CHRISTIE, LIMKAIHENG, FANNY, CHEE YONG, JUNREN, KENNY, MDM WANLING, SARAH, EUNICE. liangkoon, noelle, andre, eileen, crystal, hong yao, yong jie, eleena, kahsing aka kahcheng, jiayi, yinmun, vera, wilson, chloe, maam gen, maam siti, nicholas, GABRIEL, edwin, sumin, kimberly, lyndia. thank you so much darlings. :D those that i didn't mention i love you all too! :DDDDDDDD heh. too much to mention. Shall enjoy my day! 2 sad case, i'm having sore throat &&&& my phone is under repair! swayyyyyyyy~ ):
I SHOULD HAVE KNOW THAT WAS TEMPORARY. why did i still walk into it?
 Sentosa's picture! i want to upload more. but the files are huge in sizeeeeeee. so haha too bad. only one picture. sentosa was fun. but some stuff is just so mood spoiler. =/ nevermind! :D but i've got no mood to update any longer. so toodles. i swear i'll be a better man.
i've tried my mighty best to put it all behind. But nothing change.
I AM UBER EXHAUSTED. ncoc ystd, sentosa today. library tomorrow. Last paper on the 11th tuesday. then followed by my big day then prom. sheesh. i am exhausted to the max of the max. sentosa was great! had lotsa fun. just that i didn't have the mood to enjoy everything. sheesh, i think i am the youngest there. alamak. allright, i can't take it i am super uber tired and shagged. update soon with pictures for sentosa. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
/ because everything that we are, aren't everything.
SERIOUSLY I'M JUST SO FUCKING PISSED. Firstly, f&n just suck balls! Secondly, people who claim to be my bestfriend or whatever, just move on with your life. i am not interested to do or say anything much. Thirdly, DON'T DO ONTO PEOPLE WHAT YOU DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO DO ONTO YOU. Fourthly, Its time to reflect upon yourself. Because let me tell you. i did mine already. Do i deserve to be lied at? If you love to lie so much, go lie to your whoever i don't care. All i can say, you found a wrong person to lie to. Lastly, watch your words. If you can say such stuff about me, i can see how good your family upbringing is. How ironic. Talking about people's family, trying to flaunt how good your family upbringing is. At the end of the day, your words betrayed you. Everything backfired. I'm just so fucking pissed off okay. and i'll make this clear, i wouldn't let anything/anyone affect my Os. Anyway, just one paper left. TO: MUM, DAD, CHRISTIE, BOINK, LALA, ZOE, ELMO, FANNY, JO, CY, MIC, KH. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR BEING THERE FOR ME, TOLERATING MY TEMPER AND BEING A GREAT LISTENING EAR OVER THIS TOUGH AND IMPORTANT PERIOD OF MY LIFE- THE BIG Os. NOW Os IS GOING TO BE OVER SOON! WOOHOOO.i'm lazy to tag back so yeah, to Jo & audrey: thanks alot. (: to yh: 11th nov. ending already. :D