been long since i've officially updated my blog. hohoho.
but firstly, HAPPY MOO MOO YEAR EVERYONE! with love. (:
and as usual, i let my pictures tell the story. you know typing is taxing. heh heh heh.
and i'm damn ultra super tired X92y36474984598 okayyyy. i'm also gonna upload it on fb.
First day, chu yi!
Went gramps place. got frightened by casey. hmmm as usual.
then everyone came. :D ethan too! darling ethan boy. (:

then went off to temple but it was hmm, o-v-e-r c-r-o-w-d-e-d. okay. then off to dad's side.
audrey, mum, her bro all there. great! (:
then esmond's whole family came over.
Second day, Chu er! (today)
Dad and mum's wedding anniversary.
Went over to colin's place and steamboat all the way.

okay, busy day. time to rest! :D
with lotsa love.