friday, went down to hq to polish the holder. [using shoe white] (:
after polishing went to kallang there eat kfc. den sir brought us home.
omg, weihao ah, its not dramatic luh. =.= you more drama luh. hahaha.

den sat went down to sch take my adult capbadge, played a game of captain's ball, meet Z to take my DOUGHNUTS! yes nigel queued for 2.5hrs. claps* then bused home.
sunday went for bgi's full dress rehearsal. fun fun & more fun. got scolded for holding hands. =X
and psm is super evil. he don't want to let us have our kayabuns for nxt week. WHACK! xD
after that went back hq then off to dinner. then people PS me lorh. wth. some pics.(:

after school went ikea and eat with z, goldfish, eunice, nigel and daren! hohoho. had lotsa fun! x)

yes, i cried. so? you brought me into some unknown quarrel. have you ever thought of how will i feel? you know how bad it is? you shouldn't have brought me to this world. i hate you. you know how your words hurt me? i wanted to scram from the car. i don't mind dying because i had enough. really. don't be the first to leave, because i will be the first.
&& i'll be the biggest fool in this universe. (:
>/* life goes on without you