the miles are just like us, getting further and further.
do we actually understand what we expect from each other?
let's just start from what the world expect from everyone,
no one actually knows because everyone is different in their own ways.
the word unique comes in here.
the world goes round because its round,
its natural and so call "meant to be". are we taking advantage of it?
having money always as the root of the problem, told the world how
wicked or evil or kind and even desperate people are.
many says "this is the way the world goes round"
i beg to differ. the world does go round and round and round and round.......
but now consciousness comes in. will you be guilty? will the sum of money you get from all the arguments, fights worth it? will you be happy? will you? will you? there are too many will you and i can't possibly list them all.
no, i'm not here talking like a preacher.
but this is really how i feel deep down inside.
because POLITICS EVERYWHERE are driving me crazy.
the power hunger seen.
the hyprocrite face hung everywhere.
fuck it.