The more perfect it goes, the bigger the backfire power there will be.
I'm back from my cyprus turned kukup trip! ah fuck damn it.
was suppose to go cyprus before andreas turn 18! but tickets and stuff not book or anything. Actually i'm quite pissed because people promise to go cyprus! but, idk for what reason, she didn't mention anything. Thus, my cyprus trip turned to a BORING kukup trip.
Seriously, the whole kukup trip is uber boring until i got nothing to do and only shoot pictures.
AND AND AND AND AND AND people, please start playing mahjong. ahhahaha i've lost touched with mahjong, because the last time i ever touch mahjong was at wilson house i think 2-3 years ago. i remembered me, terrence and pakmeng stayed over to play mahjong and also watch the count down.
In kukup, is either you sing karaoke or play mahjong. lost in mahjong though sheesh. which is like duh! the other kakis are like so experienced and matured. my mum's age lehhhhh. how to win! hahahaha!
I didn't really get to enjoy partially also because i'm down with this stupid bad flu with symptoms all in and i'm also coughing like fuck!
This weather is really really bad man. and AS USUAL, weather always affect my temper.
i am so grumpy now! but i'm gonna sleep soon.
i'm gonna upload prom pics and also kukup pics. ahha
just bear with me okay. because they will tell you story. :D