first 3 paper over! (: woots.
let me start from sunday.
went for bgi. our big day. haha.
some pics:

i miss training @ hq every sunday, i know it sounds weird, but i really miss training, SERIOUSLY. i miss all the escorts! all the moments spend together. haha! more photos to be uploaded. (: during the parade, omg liyi the csm scolded twice. she's behind me and wh, so i thought she was like scolding me or wh but actually is other escort. she still say me and wh solid leh.woots parade was abt 45mins? den do casing and back to hq to uncase the colours. went bk after that. and home to prepare for my exam next day.
he's the evil giraffe. xD
*picture copyrighted*
the one who don't want to give us kaya buns.
he got talent on editing pictures. haha.
and he is super evil. (:
and now, his real face:
mon,tues,wed paper. don't talk about those papers. i'm going bonkers. tsktsk. so after those 3 papers, i begin slacking. but wait! mon still got prelims! ahhhhhh. fuck. and i hate the triangular sluts. fuck em. i shouldn't have apologise that time to one of the base. they deserve it. urghhh. anti triangular sluts with selfish ass. ptttttff. :[
on tues, superman was very understanding. aaha. surprise to see your name here? x)
oh well,
i'm over it. when i know you're suppose to come,
i show no reaction,
i didn't see you that day
and don't wish to see you,
doubt you came either.
just want you to know, i'm over it.
its time to move on. (:
i know, we will not be like what we were used to be
but i'm glad to have you as my friend.
take care.
>/* teach me how to fly up high
so i can reach the sky.
used to be like before/xoxo